>> On 01/19/2010 08:09 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:
>>> sorry for hijacking your thread but speaking of dark themes, I have been
>>> looking for ages for a nice reverse theme for gtk+ but every single one
>>> I remember wasn't perfect... Anyone 100% happy with a reverse theme?

Most of my applications are console, but I have been using the
Murrina-Black GTK2 theme for a long time (~2 years) without issues. In
regards to white websites, I just deal with it. Like other people
said, as long as you aren't sitting in the dark, it's not a huge deal.
Here is my desktop (taken last January I believe- Hasn't changed):



The black space on the bottom left is because I have two different
size monitors ;) I also use the "Marlies Dekkers" theme in google
chrome, which happens to match Murrina-Black fairly well.


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