On 01/19/2010 01:37 PM, Arvid Picciani wrote:
> On 01/19/2010 08:09 PM, Dimitrios Apostolou wrote:
>> sorry for hijacking your thread but speaking of dark themes, I have been
>> looking for ages for a nice reverse theme for gtk+ but every single one
>> I remember wasn't perfect... Anyone 100% happy with a reverse theme?
> i like NOX from murrine-themes-collection, couldnt say if its perfect,
> since i only have like 2 gui apps, but it looks very polished to me.
> Works fine on qt apps too.
>> And most importantly, how the /heck/ do you handle the *bright* *white*
>> pages of the web... I'd tried creating a custom CSS for me, but it broke
>> too many pages...
> with proper environment light. i find that only unbearable at night when
> i turned the lights off already.

I stumbled into a part solution to the problem for firefox and other mozilla 
apps. Basically there is a new type of "skin" you can use called user space 
skins that use the 'stylish' addon that allows for the easy changing of the 
titlebar (and all other aspects) of the browser window.

The steps are to:

(1) load the stylish extension:


and then, 

(2) either load an existing theme that does what you want or create a new one 
in the new Tools -> Addons -> User Styles tab. The first theme I downloaded 
sucked. It did what I wanted as far as affecting the font of the addressbar and 
search bar, but looked horrible due to the background drawn being rectangular 
while the normal theme I have being a 'rounded' rectangle. I got rid of the 
background color designations, changed the colors and stripped the superfluous 
stuff out and now I can see the addresses and search phrases perfectly. Man, 
I've been wanting to do something like this for a while.

The original user theme was:


My simpler one follows. I left the original elements in the theme (commented 
out), just in case you want to mess with them. To install it, just click on the 
new User Styles tab, choose 'Write New Style' and then just copy and paste what 
follows into the dialog:

@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);

/* Addressbar (Normal) foreground/background/font */
.autocomplete-textbox-container   {
//   background-color:    #00316E      !important;
//   color:               #00316E      !important;
   color:               #2740FF      !important;
//   font-weight:         bold         !important;
//   font-size:           8pt          !important;

/* Addressbar (Hover) foreground/background/font */
.autocomplete-textbox-container:hover   {
//   background-color:    #2740FF      !important;
//   background-color:    #00316E      !important;
//   background-color:    #E0CB86      !important;
//   color:               #00316E      !important;
//   color:               #2740FF      !important;
//   color:               #4180FF      !important;
//   color:               #555555      !important;
   color:               #B01D1D      !important;

//#searchbar  .searchbar-box,#searchbar .searchbar-textbox  {
//   background-color:    #00316E      !important;
//   color:               #00316E      !important;
//   font-weight:         bold         !important;
//   font-size:           8pt          !important;

//#urlbar .autocomplete-textbox-container[focused="true"],
//#urlbar[focused="true"] {
//   background-color:    #00316E      !important;
//   color:               #E0CB86      !important;

//#searchbar .autocomplete-textbox-container:hover {
//   background-color:    #2740FF      !important;
//   color:               #2740FF      !important;

//#searchbar .autocomplete-textbox-container {
//   background-color:    #00316E      !important;
//   color:               #E0CB86      !important;

Works like a champs. Of course, adjust the two color entries to suit your 
taste. Enjoy :p

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
Telephone: (936) 715-9333
Facsimile: (936) 715-9339

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