2009/12/15 Ng Oon-Ee <ngoo...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 14:25 +0700, Emmanuel Benisty wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As far as I can remember i.e. quite far but also super blurry, as soon
>> as a new kernel version hits [testing], the [current] version won't be
>> updated anymore (it may have happened when _huge_ security issues had
>> been discovered). Today, we're stuck at .31.6 when .31.8 is out. Not a
>> complain as I have all the tools to build any kernel I'd like to run
>> (1 machine running Arch stock kernel out of 4 anyway) but well, just
>> sayin'...
>> Cheers.
> Well, I personally prefer the devs to focus on the new kernel, since it
> WILL move to [core] sooner rather than later, invalidating any work done
> on the earlier kernel. There's also kernel26-lts...
I can't see anything valid here, sorry. "Any work done on the earlier
kernel" is a simple rebuild and ignoring updates of your most
important piece of code on your system for weeks is an issue that is
worth to be raised. If you push this to absurd reasoning then stick
with 2.6.18 as 2.6.57 will be in [current] also.

In addition, IIRC, there is no out-of-kernel-tree modules for
kernel26-lts so it's not an option for many users. Anyway, I'm talking
about updates, not about downgrading few versions of the kernel :P

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