On Tue, 2009-12-15 at 14:25 +0700, Emmanuel Benisty wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I can remember i.e. quite far but also super blurry, as soon
> as a new kernel version hits [testing], the [current] version won't be
> updated anymore (it may have happened when _huge_ security issues had
> been discovered). Today, we're stuck at .31.6 when .31.8 is out. Not a
> complain as I have all the tools to build any kernel I'd like to run
> (1 machine running Arch stock kernel out of 4 anyway) but well, just
> sayin'...
> Cheers.

Well, I personally prefer the devs to focus on the new kernel, since it
WILL move to [core] sooner rather than later, invalidating any work done
on the earlier kernel. There's also kernel26-lts...

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