Mon, 3 Aug 2009 10:29:02 -0500,
Dan McGee <> wrote on [arch-dev-public] :

> Got a response from Slice:
> The following kernels are available for your slice to upgrade. Please
> let us know and we can take care of that for you.
> 2.6.24 - 23.48
> 2.6.24 - 24.55
> I believe these should be Ubuntu kernel versions; I'm seeing right now
> what they actually include as it might include a fully working
> signalfd().
> If anyone wants to contact some other providers (especially if you are
> already using their services) and post the response here, that would
> be cool.

Did someone with a Slice perform the update yet? It looks like I'm stuck with 
2.6.18-xen when I -Syu. Do all SliceHost users have to email them to upgrade 
the kernel, and do these kernel versions really work? I wouldn't like to break 
my Slice too much...

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

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