On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Dan McGee<dpmc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/8/3 Angel Velásquez <an...@archlinux.com.ve>:
>>> I'll shoot an email to Slicehost on my behalf to see what kernels they
>>> have available. What other VPS providers offer Arch? It isn't a tough
>>> thing to find out how much we can get away with here.
>>> -Dan
>> I think SevenL networks (who provide services to us) offers Arch...
>> Doing a search on google "archlinux hosting" [1] I found some
>> companies that I didn't notice of their existence in fact.
> Got a response from Slice:
> The following kernels are available for your slice to upgrade. Please
> let us know and we can take care of that for you.
> 2.6.24 - 23.48
> 2.6.24 - 24.55
> I believe these should be Ubuntu kernel versions; I'm seeing right now
> what they actually include as it might include a fully working
> signalfd().

udev-145 should work fine with a kernel or newer, and latest
kernel above is definitely fixed:

> If anyone wants to contact some other providers (especially if you are
> already using their services) and post the response here, that would
> be cool.
> -Dan

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