On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 09:23:37 -0600, Tim Gelter <tgel...@gurulabs.com> wrote:
> I like to format all of my external drives with a large partition (most of the disk) that is ext3 and a very small partition on the beginning of the disk (20 mb or so) that is fat32 which contains the ext3 filesystem driver for windows machines so that they can install it if necessary to access the other partition on the disk. What driver do you use for accessing the ext3 partitions? I found the following to choose from: Ext2 IFS and Ext2 FSD How is the stability. Did you have any trouble getting it to work? Until now I have only used ext3 for one of my external harddrives, the other two have been formatted with the ntfs filesystem. It would be nice though to be able to use the drives with the native linux filesystem instead. Thanks, Best regards, Rene