If the NTFS partition is mandatory, and you're doing a backup, you could
just tar everything. It will sure preserve every attribute.
Em Thu, 30 Jul 2009 12:08:32 -0300, David Rosenstrauch <dar...@darose.net>
I think NTFS is the issue. I don't think that it supports the same
permission and ownership capabilities as native *nix file systems.
For example, when I mount my windows partition, I have to specify a gid
and a umask, else I don't have permissions to access it. From my fstab:
/dev/sda2 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,gid=users,umask=0222 0 1
Must the destination be NTFS?
Will Siddall wrote:
The hd is ext3, the bigdrive is ntfs
What filesystem is the destination? You're aware of the fact that FAT32
doesn't support permissions and ownership?