On Wednesday 17 June 2009 19:45:50 ludovic coues wrote:
> my /opt contain only openoffice, java and erlang stuff...
> Nothing concerning kde.

It seems that kde4 takes /usr and kde3 takes /opt/kde. This is from stable kde 

$ which kate
$ which konsole
$ which kfile
$ which kdevelop
$ which kdesu

I have a ton of stuff in /opt/kde but that is related to kdelib3 only.

$ pacman -Qo /opt/kde/bin/kdevelop
/opt/kde/bin/kdevelop is owned by kdevelop 3.5.4-1
$ pacman -Qo /opt/kde/bin/kfile
/opt/kde/bin/kfile is owned by kdelibs3 3.5.10-3


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