On Wednesday 17 June 2009 15:18:49 Ed Jobs wrote:
> i saw the same in a VM. pacman -Sf worked for me, tho i wouldn't use -
> f on my normal system...

No, don't even think about using -f or -d. Especially on an update. Those 
errors are prompted for a good reason and if you fore the install you system 
will be broken for sure.

There are only rare cases when -f is an option and then you will only use it 
on one package. And only when you really know what you are doing.


Pierre Schmitz

Clemens-August-Straße 76
53115 Bonn

Telefon         0228 9716608
Mobil           0160 95269831
Jabber          pie...@jabber.archlinux.de
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