So this explains the reporter mishaps perfectly then. They take your
e-mails, freely change them, and then write their articles :)

-Andrei Thorp

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:11 AM, Aaron Griffin <> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Guilherme M. Nogueira
> <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Aaron Griffin 
>> <>wrote:
>>>  pacman cares because pacman will try it's hardest to never ever break
>>> your system unless you say so. If pacman has no knowledge of files in
>>> your system, it'd be amazingly stupid to blindly overwrite them. What
>>> happens if I wrote a big long OOo document and saved it (stupidly) as
>>> /usr/bin/mydoc and then pacman decided to install an app named
>>> "mydoc". Poof, lost my work.
>>> I know the above is a contrived example, but it serves to illustrate
>>> the point: pacman is not in control of your system. You are. Pacman
>>> will never say "I know better than you, so I'll just replace this with
>>> what I think it should be". Instead it will say "woah woah woah... you
>>> did something I don't understand. You deal with it and tell me when
>>> you figured it out"
>> These two paragraphs are great, Aaron!
>> Would you mind if I add them to the wiki page of Pacman regarding the
>> "something: something exists in filesystem" error, or is it too much
>> informality for the wiki?
> Feel free to do what you want. All my mails are licensed under the WTFPL[1]
> 1:

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