Op Wed, 22 Apr 2009 14:45:10 -0500
schreef "David C. Rankin" <drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com>:
> no /usr/share/fonts/TTF directory. I had a /usr/share/fonts/truetype
> directory so I just softlinked the missing TTF to truetype to get rid
> to the error on startx. startx liked the solution.

Softlinking is just patching the system without solving the underlying
problem - it should be discouraged.

Why that directory wasn't there is because you didn't have any TTF
fonts at that time. Why the other dir was there, is probably due to
some leftovers or maybe a package (from AUR?) that didn't extract the
fonts in the right place? I don't know.

I do know that X defines the FontPath in xorg.conf, so if startx
complained, you could simply change the FontPath in /etx/X11/xorg.conf.
And IIRC, the app 'fontconfig' can do ao this for you.

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