On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 07:05:42PM -0500, David C. Rankin wrote: > David C. Rankin wrote: > > David Rosenstrauch wrote: > >> David C. Rankin wrote: > >>> I'm almost there, the nvidia 180.44 driver is working fine. Yea! X > >>> starts fine > >>> now, but craters on ~/.xinitrc complaints. > >>> So I'm down to just getting ~/.xinitrc straightened out. > >>> Ultimately I would > >>> like to get either kdm3 or xdm login configured for runlevel 5 > >> I'd think you could delete ~/.xinitrc, add kdm3 to the DAEMONS line in > >> rc.conf and you'd be good to go. Any reason why that's not working? > >> > >> DR The easy ways to start kdm, nearly no user intervention: 1. kdm3 as last daemon in rc.conf 2. x:5:respawn:/opt/kde/bin/kdm -nodaemon in inittab
I also suggest you to source /etc/profile.d/qt3.sh and /etc/profile.d/kde.sh in ~/.bashrc. The hard way follows... > Now startx starts an x session and I get a black background with a > white xterm > in the top left corner of the display (approx 320x200) on my 1680x1050 > display. > The mouse works and I can move into the xterm, but it looks as if something is > running (no prompt, but the block cursor is busy), and then about 30 seconds > later, X shuts down normally and I am back at the command line. > > Another symptom is that when startx is use, there is no KDE, just the > xterm > and black background. As expected in the default configuration. Why don't you post the content of your .xinitrc? > When /opt/kde/bin/startkde is used, no xterm appears and > the following output is received: > > ... bunch of errors about X not running or DISPLAY not provided > Are you trying to launch /opt/kde/bin/startkde from the shell? startkde has to be launched within a X display. For example put /opt/kde/bin/startkde in your ~/.xinitrc. Start copying the .xinitrc in /etc/skel to your home directory.