On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:23:14 -0400
David Rosenstrauch <dar...@darose.net> wrote:

> David C. Rankin wrote:
> > Listmates:
> > 
> >     If I want to clone my package selection to another box, is
> > there a better way to do it other than just parsing the files
> > in /var/cache/pacman/pkg to generate a list to feed to pacman after
> > install on the second box?
> One option is to have the first box serve as an Arch package mirror
> for the rest of the boxes.  i.e., box #1's mirrorlist file points to
> an external Arch mirror, box #'s 2 through n's mirrorlist files point
> to box #1.
> It's perhaps slightly more complicated to implement, but not
> onerously so, and probably more elegant than any other solution -
> especially if there's multiple servers involved.
> I don't recall what you have to do to make an Arch mirror, but it's
> not that complicated, IIRC.  There's probably something on the Arch
> wiki about it.
make a directory, put packages in it, run repo-add (in the repo, not
the client)
that's it afaik.
> HTH,
> DR

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