David C. Rankin wrote:
If I want to clone my package selection to another box, is there a
better way
to do it other than just parsing the files in /var/cache/pacman/pkg to generate
a list to feed to pacman after install on the second box?
One option is to have the first box serve as an Arch package mirror for
the rest of the boxes. i.e., box #1's mirrorlist file points to an
external Arch mirror, box #'s 2 through n's mirrorlist files point to
box #1.
It's perhaps slightly more complicated to implement, but not onerously
so, and probably more elegant than any other solution - especially if
there's multiple servers involved.
I don't recall what you have to do to make an Arch mirror, but it's not
that complicated, IIRC. There's probably something on the Arch wiki
about it.