Hi All :)

El Wednesday 01 April 2009, Dieter Plaetinck escribió:
> On Wed, 1 Apr 2009 10:28:44 +0200 (CEST)
> "Thomas Bohn" <tho...@bohnomat.de> wrote:
> > On Wed, April 1, 2009 10:09, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
> > > This was posted in march.   And it's discussed on the developer
> > > mailing list and voted for.  Personally I also agree they made a
> > > good choice.
> >
> > Okay, what is the alternative? Especially if you don't want end up
> > with Debian-based distributions?
> >
> > Thomas

This is my first post to this mailing list :)

> How do you mean alternative? there is no need for alternatives because
> the decision was only made because we all agreed pretty much everyone
> is using 64bit now anyway.
> For atom-based mobile devices you could use android or something.

IIRC, Atom has the 220 and 330 models which are x86-64 compatible. So there's 
not much of an issue with Atom. As Dieter has said, you can think Android or 
some other distro for x86.

For x86 based models, I guess we'll have to switch for the time being to 
another distro, which IMHO isn't too much of an issue. Sooner or later we'll 
have to switch over to x86-64 based systems since x86 is used on old 
hardware: hard to get replacements, doesn't scale, less performance, ...

I also think that getting all our efforts onto x86-64 will get us a better 
distro since we won't have to double efforts on development and bug 

Obviously, this is all MHO.


"We cannot treat computers as Humans. Computers need love."


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