ooh does Gentoo suck, that hasn't happened to me for ages 2009/4/1 M Rawash <mraw...@gmail.com>: > On Wed, 2009-04-01 at 10:28 +0200, Thomas Bohn wrote: >> On Wed, April 1, 2009 10:09, Dieter Plaetinck wrote: >> >> > This was posted in march. And it's discussed on the developer mailing >> > list and voted for. Personally I also agree they made a good choice. >> >> Okay, what is the alternative? Especially if you don't want end up with >> Debian-based distributions? > > a more obvious choice would be to stick with archlinux+ABS, remember > we're just dropping BINARY package support, arch's build tools will > remain the same, think of it as a less sucky gentoo. > > cheers.. > >> Thomas >> > >
-- Calling the unnamed register the unnamed register really does nothing but negate the name the unnamed register and render the unnamed register useless as a name, thus the unnamed register is named the unnamed register and is no longer the unnamed register as it is named the unnamed register, so where is the unnamed register to be found and what do we call it! Steve Oualline, The book of vim.