I guess we should stick with upcoming processor architectures instead of
existing ones.. We're the future!

I can share some power of my Macbook Pro if you want.. :) All for 0xPD!

Alper KANAT <alperka...@raptiye.org>

Corrado Primier wrote:
> Since the decision of discontinuing the i686 binary repo, many people
> who can't or don't want to switch will need to recompile their
> packages themselves. Then there's also the problem of devs and TUs who
> don't have access to an x86_64 machine. Striving to find a solution I
> came up with an idea: selling processing power!
> That's right, guys. Do you own one of those slow i686-only dinosaurs?
> Do you need the power of an x86_64 machine to get your packages built
> quickly in i686 chroots? I'm here for you! I have a couple of machines
> I can dedicate to this task. I decided for a "political" price of
> 20€/year; all revenues will be donated to the OxPD (One x86_64 Per
> Developer) Project.
> Before setting everything up I'd like to hear from the community if
> this is something they're interested in, and I'm obviously also asking
> all Arch contributors who have a decent machine (x86_64, that is...)
> to dedicate it to this important project that will allow all of our
> devs to continue their work for our favorite distro.
> Corrado Primier
> (Arch Linux Trusted User)

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