Since the decision of discontinuing the i686 binary repo, many people
who can't or don't want to switch will need to recompile their
packages themselves. Then there's also the problem of devs and TUs who
don't have access to an x86_64 machine. Striving to find a solution I
came up with an idea: selling processing power!

That's right, guys. Do you own one of those slow i686-only dinosaurs?
Do you need the power of an x86_64 machine to get your packages built
quickly in i686 chroots? I'm here for you! I have a couple of machines
I can dedicate to this task. I decided for a "political" price of
20€/year; all revenues will be donated to the OxPD (One x86_64 Per
Developer) Project.

Before setting everything up I'd like to hear from the community if
this is something they're interested in, and I'm obviously also asking
all Arch contributors who have a decent machine (x86_64, that is...)
to dedicate it to this important project that will allow all of our
devs to continue their work for our favorite distro.

Corrado Primier
(Arch Linux Trusted User)

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