On Wed, 1 Apr 2009 01:17:47 -0300
"Cesar G. Miguel" <cesa...@ime.usp.br> wrote:

> > Wondering why nobody is this thread mentions that today is 1st
> > April.. LOL..
> It depends on where you live to be April 1st :-)
> Let's drop the support for Google [1], Firefox and, of course, Arch
> i686 :-)
> Happy Apr, 1st!
> [1] Considering it's been in beta stage since always.

Why should we support google in the first place? I think it would
rather be our duty to purge it from any app we can, like firefox. I
know that it requires significant effort to get rid of googles spy
functionality in firefox and probably other apps as well, but
considering the danger google poses this is necessary.

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