On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Abdul Halim <sagikli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wondering why nobody is this thread mentions that today is 1st April.. LOL..

I hope it's true just for the 1st april, b'coz if arch really dropped
the i686 support how about all people that using computer in my
country? Mostly we use an old computer b'coz of our lack of buying
power. Even not much of us using arch but i personally think it's
quite unfortunate if this thing really happens.

So please tell me that this is just an april mop :-(

Muhammad Bayu
RameTux | rmTx
Javan IT Services -- http://www.javan.web.id
http://www.muhammadbayu.com (--under heavy construction -:-)

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