Thank you for your clarification, and I do not mean to create "beasts of
burden" out of you guys :)

Kind regards,

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Aaron Griffin <>wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Ali H. Caliskan
> <> wrote:
> > Well, I didn't intend to upset you guys :) But such is history, it
> appears
> > to have happened bofore and it certainly will happen again. I'm not
> saying
> > that I need this, but it certainly would benefit the Arch community. I'm
> not
> > a developer, so I'll have difficulties applying what you're saying though
> :)
> No one's upset :)
> It's just one of those things where people like to suggest drastic
> things that would wildly change the distro, add to the workload, and
> generally make life harder for the developers without even trying it
> themselves.
> There is a reason why people say "patches welcome" when you request
> changes to their code - if someone cares enough, they'd do the work.

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