On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Ali H. Caliskan
<ali.h.calis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I didn't intend to upset you guys :) But such is history, it appears
> to have happened bofore and it certainly will happen again. I'm not saying
> that I need this, but it certainly would benefit the Arch community. I'm not
> a developer, so I'll have difficulties applying what you're saying though :)

No one's upset :)

It's just one of those things where people like to suggest drastic
things that would wildly change the distro, add to the workload, and
generally make life harder for the developers without even trying it

There is a reason why people say "patches welcome" when you request
changes to their code - if someone cares enough, they'd do the work.

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