
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Ondřej Kučera <ondrej.kuc...@centrum.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> <cut>
> True. But at the end of the day it goes down to works/doesn't work as a
> whole and as long as the gems used by Rails are broken, Rails are
> effectively broken too. :-(
> Ondřej
> --
> Cheers,
> Ondřej Kučera
True, but, it depends of the user. If he don't use any gem, it wont
broke. So, we need decide if we'll provide a new package with many new
features, or wait some time (how much?) to provide this package
because some (how much?) users use a specific gem to code/run a Rails
Finally, I maintain the rubygems package at community, so, when we
decide which choise will be applyed, we need remove the rubygems
package from community too.

Kessia Pinheiro
Computer Science Student - Brazil, UFBa
Linux System Administrator
Arch Linux Trusted User
Linux User #389695
X Fórum Internacional Software Livre - fisl10
24 a 27 de junho de 2009
PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil

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