Allan McRae <>:
> I think very little in [extra] depends on ruby (needed plugins mainly), 
> but the is quite a bit in [community].  I thought BaSh used to maintain 
> some of them so perhaps he wants to be the maintainer.  Anyway, the 
> transition to the 1.9 series in not minor (as in plug-ins need ported) 
> so if no-one volunteers, I will just continue with the 1.8 series until 
> such a time as something in our repos really needs 1.9.
> Allan

I did an update via abs right know and ran into some smaller problems:
- Ruby 1.9.1 now includes rubygems, so I had to remove that first.
- /usr/bin/rake wasn't owned by any package.
- vim (compiled with --enable-rubyinterp) won't work (and compile)

However, ruby 1.9.1 is really faster than old 1.8.7.

I'll test further for some shortcomings with the new ruby.

Gruß, Johannes
Täglich und du fühlst dich gut.

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