On Montag, 11. August 2008 18:07 David Rosenstrauch wrote: > I'm more than open to hearing counter-arguments as to why someone thinks > it's worth the switch
I'm frustated as you but i must say that there was no way for the arch devs to make it right for everyone. Imagine that there is no kde4 in the repos and than you will read a lot of "i want kde4" wishes instead of "i want my kde3 back". Because we have kdemod3 i can live with this switch and i have no problem to accept that there be other users who enjoy using kde4. So my problems has only to be with the kde4 devs. But this be only my 2c. See you, Attila P.S.: The problem with old settings is nothing new in kde and it seems that the kde devs have no interest to offer a working solution for it. I think everyone of us who use kde for a longer time have deleted more than one time the ~/.kde directory because something goes wrong after an update. And i'm sure that this will happens with kde 5.x too.-)