On Sonntag, 10. August 2008 06:52 Shridhar Daithankar wrote:

At first i have to say that my only intention was to answer why there is no
kde4 bug report from mine instead there be a lot of reasons for myself to
stay with kde3. I have no impatience and can wait until kde 4.2 to test it

> Could you please elaborate? I am curious to know what is so wrong.

The kicker have some nice features for me:

- Real transparent style without the need of a special theme
- The possibility to expand terminal sessions, system settings, last documents
and so on
- Better applets. My favorit here is "Schnellstarter" (perhaps in english it
is fast display browser) where i have 3 ones for special directories.
- I prefer to browse through menus instead of having minimal square
- And the last one is not important but i must say that the configuration
dialog of the new panel is a gui from the last century.

> Except for an applet for system activity monitor, I don't miss anything on
> panel. Although it took over couple of days to get back back to where I was
> with KDE3.5.9.

I think this all, and lot more, is a personal thing how you have used kde in
the past and i am sure that there be a lot of other users which like
this "plasma way". But i don't see any advantage for me at the moment but a
lot of disadvantages. Still again, this has nothing to do with the arch
packages at itselfs.

See you, Attila

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