* Attila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sonntag, 4. Mai 2008 12:47 Tino Reichardt wrote:
> > If they don't have the time to be a maintainer for some package, they
> > shouldn't be the maintainer of it!
> For me this is definitely too hard. And unfair because archlinux is a
> distribution (as a lot of other too) which is managed by private individual
> for private individual.
> The devs of archlinux gives us with abs a perfect and easy understandable way
> to make in the most cases updates at the time we wants it. Irony on: That is
> why other distros with another package magagment needs fulltime
> maintaining.-)
> And to the argument of that clamav is a "security update": This is only
> relevant for servers which have windows clients and in this case, sorry, this
> is at first the job of the admin of the server and "opps" this be you and not
> the maintainer of a package.

It isn't to hard. Its just the plain truth.

If the maintainer hasn't the time, he should give the package to someone
else, which has the time.

PS: I am not an admin of some important server which needs an update ;)

regards, TR

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