On Sun 2008-05-04 12:47 , Tino Reichardt wrote: > * pyther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > * Tino Reichardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > >> Hello list, > > >> > > >> clamav should be updated. > > > > > > Why does the update of clamav take so long ? > > > > > > Should I build a new package ? > > > > > Because the developers have a life, if you need a new package use abs > > and compile it. > > If they don't have the time to be a maintainer for some package, they > shouldn't be the maintainer of it! > > My time is also short and thats the reason why I am no trusted user or > the maintainer of packages like clamav.
Being a security update it should be somewhat "high priority", if the maintainer didn't update it yet is because he simply don't have the time to do so (and test it). Your whining is not helping anyone; bear in mind that the number of devs/TUs is limited and they have to manage a huge number of packages. If you want to help someway, you could update the package, test it and send the sources (PKGBUILD and other stuff) to the maintainer or maybe even in this mailing list. tl;dr : STFU. -- Alessio (molok) Bolognino Please send personal email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public Key http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFE0270FB GPG Key ID = 1024D / FE0270FB 2007-04-11 Key Fingerprint = 9AF8 9011 F271 450D 59CF 2D7D 96C9 8F2A FE02 70FB
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