Hi all

We are using junitreport task in our project. it goes like this
<junitreport >
    <fileset dir="Result\etc" includes="TEST-*.xml">
    <report format="frames" styledir="Result\etc" todir="Result">

I need to use the same aggreated xml for another xslt transform
so i thought of using <xslt> task.
Had a look at check.xml in ant source code
and tried like this

<xslt in="Result\etc\TESTS-TestSuites.xml" style="Result\etc\junit-
I was expecting the same output of junit report.... But i din get any out
Trasformation got over in 3 secs. Only empty output.txt is created.
No html page is created.

Can anybody provide some help on this?

Thank you
Ramu S

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