Le mercredi 01 novembre 2006 à 10:56 +0000, Jib a écrit :
> Sorry, if someone felt insulted. It was a mere remark to point out that it
> has already done somewhere. Hence, it could teach the answer to get all work
> fine. Furthermore, I wondered how Gnome project is handled inside and
> outside the bounds of the projects, and generally how the project coped the
> issue.

I didn't felt insulted, no worry. I just want to avoid bug comments
turning to a desktop war, better to keep focused on the topic. GNOME has
that feature too, it uses ogg123 though and that's not optimal. There is
some patches upstream for some time to use gstreamer for that, they have
not been used previously because it would make nautilus sensible to
gstreamer bugs. Now gstreamer is probably good enough that it should be
reconsidered maybe.

> That's all I meant. You look slightly touchy. 

Not really, I just prefer to keep the bug on tracker before getting
people starting to comment on what other desktop does. The information
on how they do it could be useful though

> flame war KDE/Gnome (Previously, I thought it was mostly the fans of each
> desktop environment and not the developers themselves who are sensitive to
> such facts… ). So : I apologize to be maladroit and let you adress this bug
> the way you prefer…

No need to apologize, I'm fine with other desktops doing things better,
the comment was just to make clear we have no interest to discuss what
other desktops do better on that bug, the focus is rather how to fix the

To come back to the bug discussion, the way to "adress" it is to
convince upstream to land the gstreamer patch, I'll talk with nautilus
hackers about that during the GNOME 2.17 cycle

Nautilus sound preview doesn't work with OGG files.

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