On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 07:05:15PM -0000, manu wrote:
> Why not create a logrotate config file such as
> /etc/logrotate.d/xsession_errors with the following configuration:
> "/home/*/.xsession_errors"
> {
>   rotate 1
>   size 500k
>   copytruncate
>   missingok
>   compress
> }
> It will check the file size daily and create one compressed copy
> whenever the file exceeds 500k, then remove the oldest copy and truncate
> .xsession_errors. to zero size.
> I mean, why reinventing the wheel when we already have such a tool like
> logrotate.

logrotate is designed for rotating system logs; it is not appropriate for it
to attempt to traverse user home directories.  Likely problems:

- Security vulnerabilities
- NFS-mounted home directories
- Huge numbers of home directories


 - mdz

.xsession_errors file grows out of control & saturates disk space

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