There seems to be some info here:

"Check your mouse cable. If this only happens when you move your mouse in a
certain way, fix the mouse cable or replace the mouse.

Check your kernel and harddisk settings. This message can also happen when
the mouse interrupt is delayed more than one half of a second. Make sure DMA
is enabled for your harddrive and CD-ROM. Kill your ACPI/APM battery
monitoring applet. Try disabling ACPI, frequency scaling. Make sure your
time is ticking correctly, often with frequency scaling it gets unreliable.
Even if you're using the ACPI PM Timer as a clock source - actually this
often leads to the above problem. "

It might be something to this, as the battery monitor now finally works
for me in edgy, it did not in dapper - and the synaptics worked in
dapper, but does not in edgy.

Mouse hangs for a few seconds after update to edgy

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