This is not a libtiff bug, and the fact that the tiff file is multipage
is not relevant.  The problem is with the tiff file headers and with the
applications' interpretations of those headers.  I believe eog and
evince are both misinterpreting the orientation header.

To rule out the multipage nature of the image as a source of the
problem, you run tiffsplit on the attached image to get separate images
for each of the eight pages, called xaaa.tif through xaah.tif.  You can
display any of those pages with evince or eog and see the same thing,
indicating that this doesn't have anything to do with the image being a
multipage image.

We can observe that the orientation of these tiff files is unusual.  To
do this, create a "normal" tiff file using "import" from ImageMagick.

import /tmp/a.tif

and click on any window.  Then run

tiffinfo /tmp/a.tiff | grep Orientation

You will see

  Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs

This means that the first row of the image is the visual top, and the
first column is the visual left.

If you run tiffinfo on the attached image file and grep for Orientation,
you see the following:

  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top
  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top
  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top
  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top
  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top
  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top
  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top
  Orientation: row 0 rhs, col 0 top

All subimages have row 0 rhs, col 0 top, meaning that the first row is
the visual right and the first column is the visual top.  This is the
same as having the image rotated 90 degrees to the right.

It seems that both eog and evince are flipping the image horizontally
instead of rotating it, and "display" from ImageMagick is ignoring the
orientation field entirely.  The only application I've been able to find
that actually handles this orientation value is gthumb, which at least
the way I have it configured (I know I set some option to obey image
orientation because my Canon digital camera uses the jpeg orientation
field), does actually show the image rotated 90 degrees to the right.
Even gimp doesn't handle this properly.  If you run gimp on one of the
pages, you get the warning

** (tiff-load:27322): WARNING **: Orientation 6 not handled yet!

If you run tiffcp on the file to copy it to another file using the tiff

% tiffcp AK-LV104e.tif a.tif
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.
AK-LV104e.tif: Warning, using top-left orientation.

you can observe that libtiff overrides the orientation.  The resulting
file displays properly with evince and eog and all the other viewers I
can find.

I'm not sure whether eog and evince, both gnome applications, might be
using the same underlying code between the application and libtiff to
render the images.  In that case, the bug is really against that
library, not libtiff.  It's also possible that they both interpret the
orientation fields in the same way in their own code.  More
investigation would be required to figure out where the bugs really

As an interesting experiment, you can determine how different
applications interpret orientation by resetting the orientation field in
the header using tiffset.  The orientation field has tag number 274,
which you can tell from the output of tiffdump.  To set the orientation
of one of the pages to normal "1" orientation, you can run

tiffset -s 274 1 xaaa.tif

Then you will observe that xaaa.tif displays properly in all viewers.
Here are the meanings of the orientation values from the TIFF spec:

1 = row 0 top, col 0 left
2 = row 0 top, col 0 right
3 = row 0 bottom, col 0 right
4 = row 0 bottom, col 0 left
5 = row 0 left, col 0 top
6 = row 0 right, col 0 top
7 = row 0 right, col 0 bottom
8 = row 0 left, col 0 bottom

Evince and EOG display TIFF files flipped
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