FWIW, I hope this bug NOT be merged with bug #57081.

There are actually three issues here:

1. scim-chewing corrupts user configuration data on some abnormal exits
(the main issue of bug #57081, fixed in edgy by new upstream scim-
chewing and libchewing).

2. scim-chewing's im-switch setting uses scim-qtimm by default, which
breaks in Ubuntu installs with user-installed KDE apps (independent to
issue 1, but unfortunately mixed together in bug #57081, also fixed in
edgy by changing the im-switch setting in scim-chewing).

3. scim-qtimm breaks scribus, i.e., this bug.  This is strictly a scim-
qtimm issue, has nothing to do with scim-chewing.

Qt/SCIM broken (Cannot enter numbers in to spinbox widget)

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