Considering tidy 2 is a default part of the current php distribution,
all of the php5 package and dependent packages should be compiled with
the --with-tidy configuration option.  The PECL extension does not work
correctly in PHP5, because PHP5 is expecting Tidy 2, which is part of
the PHP distrubtion.

Until this is corrected, you have to recompile php and php-based modules
(like libapache2-mod-php5) yourself with the --with-tidy configuration
option.  This sucks, but it's the only workaround I have found.

If the Ubuntu developers would make tidy part of the all of the php5
packages (like php5, php5-cli, libapache2-mod-php5, and all the rest of
php5-*), I would be grateful.

Package tidy module

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