Lennart: it may just take someone poking at it a bit to get it to work;
like I said, I don't know what kind of compression they use.

Here's a mini-FAQ I just made, BTW:

Do the Windows fonts allow "installable embedding"?  Based on my copy of XP...

Arial                   v3.00   YES!    (note: v2.82 was a corefont)
Arial Black             v2.40   NO.     (note: v2.35 was a corefont)
Arial Narrow            v2.20   YES!
Bookman Old Style       v2.20   YES!
Comic Sans MS           v2.20   YES!    (note: v2.10 was a corefont)
Courier New             v2.90   YES!    (note: v2.82 was a corefont)
Estrangelo Edessa       v1.00   NO.
Franklin Gothic Medium  v2.20   NO.
Garamond                v2.20   NO.
Gautami                 v1.21   NO.
Georgia                 v2.12   YES!    (note: v2.05 was a corefont)
Impact                  v2.37   NO.     (note: v2.35 was a corefont)
Kartika                 v1.06   NO.
Latha                   v1.21   NO.
Lucida Console          v1.60   NO.
Lucida Sans Unicode     v2.00   NO.
Mangal                  v1.20   NO.
Microsoft Sans Serif    v1.42   NO.
MV Boli                 v1.00   NO.
Palatino Linotype       v1.40   NO.
Raavi                   v1.06   NO.
Shruti                  v1.22   NO.
Sylfaen                 v1.00   YES!
Symbol                  v1.60   YES!
Tahoma                  v3.15   NO.
Times New Roman         v3.00   YES!    (note: v2.82 was a corefont)
Trebuchet               v1.23   NO.     (note: v1.22 was a corefont)
Tunga                   v1.07   NO.
Verdana                 v2.43   YES!    (note: v2.35 was a corefont)
Vrinda                  v1.03   NO.
Webdings                v1.03   YES!    (note: v1.03 was a corefont)
Wingdings               v2.55   YES!

...and AFAICT, for the XP fonts that do allow installable embedding,
there is noting in the "License" field to prevent their installation in
a different OS.

Andale Mono was also a corefont, but I didn't see it installed on my system.

The most important fonts to make RTF files for are thus the ones that
weren't core fonts (easy install :), but do allow "installable
embedding".  And of those, just Arial Narrow, Symbol and Wingdings jump
out at me as important ones.  I'll just whip up a RTF right now :)

msttcorefonts lacks the 'Tahoma' font
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