also in my ppa ** Summary changed:
- ktorrent 3.1 beta 2 + New Upstream + package merge ktorrent 3.1 ** Description changed: Binary package hint: ktorrent-kde4 ktorrent 3.1 beta 2 was released on May 19th, 2008. Please update the package. - Changelogs since 3.0.1: - Changes in 3.0.2 : - - Make sure seed time cannot wrap around (159756) - - Fix broken convert of blocklists - - Ported lock file fix for NFS home directories from KDE3 version - - When recreating files, make sure directory they are in, exists - - Fix remove from group not working (160499) - - Fix crash in torrent creator when there are no trackers - - Fix sorting in files tab - - Fix crash when unloading plugins with Qt4.4 (160565) - - Fix update search engines from internet - - Remove torrentspy and update piratebay URL - - Fix 4 GB limit in transfer of statusbar (160711) - - Fix crash when removing 2 torrents at the same time - - Show real IP address of peers when using socks proxies - - Make sure that the current torrent changes when the group is changed of a view - - Sort and merge block list before writing to level1.dat file - - Clear time to next tracker update in tracker tab, when torrent is not running (160972) - - Fix occasional crash at startup (160935) - - Changes in 3.1beta1 : - - Added Location column (157463) - - Added group for ungrouped torrents (156921) - - Pasting urls to ktorrent will now result in KT opening them (154317) - - Use KNotify system for notifications instead of own hardcoded one with KPassivePopup. Also make this configurable using the standard configure notifications dialog (157513) - - Expanded torrentcreator dialog to make it possible to create torrents with webseeds - - Make sure dslforum's in UPNP servicetypes are also supported - - Added support for http webseeding - - Remove 1.02 multiplication factor in allowance calculation of speed limits - - When multiple torrents are started, avoid asking the same questions for multiple torrents. (136381) - - Use CTRL + L as shortcut for speedlimits dialog (144854) - - Expanded bandwidth scheduler with option to set the connection limits (146432) - - Fix bug in generating peer ID based upon version information - - Move proxy settings to a separate page in the settings dialog - - Added KIO::Job to gzip files, and use this job in the log rotation code, thereby removing the not so portable system() calls. - - Use QToolButton instead of a KPushButton as corner widgets for the main tab widget - - Added header menu to configure the columns of a view, to the right click menu of the view. - - Show more detailed info in the scan dialog (160054) - - Added color coded file priorities in the infowidget plugin (158280) - - Make it possible to add newly created torrents to a group (159391) - - Change default values of maxSeeds (5) and maxDownloads(3) (144754) - - Added group policy feature. Each custom group can now have several default settings which will be applied to the torrents of that group. - - The scanfolder plugin now has an option to add torrents to a group, when it loads a torrent. - - Added column to the QueueManager showing the time a torrent is stalled. - - Add feature to decrease torrent priority when the torrent is stalled for longer then a user specified amount of time.(156103) - - Preview size for audio and video files is now configurable. - - Fix some bugs in the queuemanager with the stalled torrent feature - - Added assured speed feature which allows you to set a minimum download speed for each torrent. (151903) - - Use XML GUI stuff for groupview menu - - Menu of views now uses XML GUI stuff (Resulting in the removal of the ViewMenu class) - - Add to group menu now has an entry to add torrents to a new group - - Added PeerID of KGet and BitsOnWheels - - Determining if a file has a preview available, now uses the sizes configured in the settings - - Check for duplicate trackers when users adds a new one. (160678) - - Added media player plugin to play audio and video files - - Fix bug with empty proxy field (160918) - - Expanded logviewer plugin to support media player plugin - - Add sizeHint function to SpinBoxDelegate, so it has a proper size when you edit it - - Make speed limits dialog remember it's size - - Added feature to suppress sleep when torrents are running - - Added feature to skip datacheck in fileselect dialog (and mark the files as fully downloaded) - - Make it possible to disable or enable trackers using a checkbox in front of each tracker in the trackers tab - - Fix saving of current tab in sidebar, we were using the icon name instead of the tab text. - - Show total times a torrent was downloaded in the trackers tab - - Show the number of seeders and leechers in the trackers tab - - Redesigned trackers tab layout (for the above changes) - - Fix editing of speedlimits model - - Find -> Search in search tab to be more consistent - - Added option to open multiple torrents silently or not (159811) - - Paste torrent URL -> Open URL - - Changes in 3.1beta2 : - - Ported changes from windows branch, so windows is now officially supported - - Added new icons created by Lee Olson - - Fix infinite loop when adding torrent to group in view menu - - Manually save and restore window size and position to fix bug with window size when tray icon is enabled - - Fix crash when trying to show context menu of a dir item in the fileview - - Added toggle action to show or hide the video widget - - Make sure that video widget is shown again when video playing is started and the video widget is hidden - - Ported sparc SIGBUS crash from KDE3 version - - Fix typos in settings page of QM (161664) - - Updated geoip database to most recent one - - Added option to choose the name of the toplevel directory of multifile torrents in the fileselect dialog - - Fix bug when loading torrent via webgui - - Make sure reuse address option is set before bind call in http server - - Open silently no longer shows error messages, instead it uses a passive notification - - Fix tooltip in network pref page - - Use fstat64 if possible to calculate disk usage of CacheFile, should fix diskspace check for files larger then 4 GB (161804) - - Fix bug in media model when torrents with media files get added - - Added import dialog to import torrents from the KDE3 version into the KDE4 one - - Use KDialog instead of QDialog in several dialogs - - Fix bug causing connection stats to be wrong- Added patch from athantor showing the interval in ms between charts updates on plugin's settings page - (I know the ktorrent package is going to be updated soon, so I suppose this bug is for reference). ** Attachment added: "ktorrent_3.1-0ubuntu1.debdiff" -- New Upstream + package merge ktorrent 3.1 You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list