Yes, I am positve that I have not modified the init script.

However, in the script I have, I find the following, which looks like it
would do what we are talking about.

        #       If the network is not up yet, do not start ypbind.
        #       We assume that /etc/network/ifup.d will start ypbind.
        #       It doesn't matter if it already did.
        network=`route -n | sed -ne '/^224/d' -e '/^127/d' -e '/^[0-9]/p'`
        if [ "$network" = "" ]
                return 1

        return 0

do_start ()

It turns out that this was probably not the problem I was hitting ;), but still 
an issue.

The work around should be obvious, but in case it isn't, to disable the
network check, just comment the if then segment of the code.

(The workaround is not for Mark, but for others who might see this

nis client seems to not start at boot

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