I am not a TeX packaging expert, but from what I heard on the Debian
side, the changes in Debian packaging of texlive are for the following

1. Make sure that texlive and tetex can co-exist.  This mean that any
extra TeX packages can use either tetex or texlive as their base.

2. Remove duplication.  There are many components in texlive are already
pacakged in Debian, such as language support, fonts, etc.  The texlive
package in debian doesn't build them, but depends on the corresponding
package instead.

3. I believe there are also a few FHS/LSB and Debian policy issues about
where certain kind of files should be put into.

And maybe other reasons (these are from top of my head).  If anybody is
interested, he/she should read the discussion on debian-tetex-maint
mailing list about this topic.

As for this bug - Henk, I wonder if you are one of the authors of the
TUG TeXlive distribution.  If you aren't, I suppose the answer is simply
"If you like the TUG TeXlive better, use that and don't bother with the
ubuntu packages.  But some users prefer them packaged this way".  If you
are one of the authors, I suggest you talk about your concerns with the
Debian texlive maintainers.

What is added value of texlive packages vis-à-vis TeXLiveCD from TUG?

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