Few words about installing it:

1. Make sure that gcc & friends installed:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
2. Download and unzip the driver:
$ wget http://www.malinov.com/linux/pata_marvell-0.0.4t.tar.gz
$ tar zxfv pata_marvell-0.0.4t.tar.gz 
3. Compile:
$ cd pata_marvell-0.0.4t/
$ make
If everything goes ok, you will get module called 'pata_marvell.ko'
You can load it by using 'sudo insmod pata_marvell.ko' command or copy it to 
"/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi" and add it to initramfs, so it 
will be loaded automatically during system boot.

Marvell PATA controller (88SE6101) is not supported

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