It appears there may be yet another patch required.  Using Will Nowak's
2.6.24-17 OpenVZ kernel I am unable to enumerate UDP sockets using
netstat.  Another user on the OpenVZ forums is apparently reporting the
same problem here.  I'm not sure if this requires a separate bug to be
opened or not but since this bug already has two patches connected to it
and I don't see any others on Launchpad for this issue I wanted to
mention it here.

The OpenVZ forum post with Git patch:;

Example output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# netstat -aun
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
netstat: no support for `AF INET (udp)' on this system.

However this does not seem to impact the actual usage of UDP.  I am
running what appears to be a functioning DNS server in a test
environment, I just can't see the activity via netstat.

linux-image-2.6.24-13-openvz refuses to boot
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