Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the additional info. I downloaded the latest praat source
code (file praat4432_sources.tar.gz) installed libmotif3, and compiled
praat. I got the same problem as you described, i.e. praat just hangs
using 100% of the CPU.

>From your description it became clear to me that this was probably a
compiler problem. Since by default gcc-4.0 is used, I compiled praat
with gcc-3.4, (make sure you remove all *.o files from all the folders!)
and then praat runs correctly.

However, I am not sure if this is a bug in gcc-4.0, or if the praat
source code uses a feature of gcc-3.4 that has been deprecated, but my
first reaction is that it is likely to be a praat source code problem (I
get many warning when compiling the code). I'd appreciate it if there is
any additional info you might have (can you contact the author of the
source code?)

praat won't run when compiled from its source package

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