Please sponsor this debdiff for sqlrelay. The FTBFS was caused by the compiler flag -Wno-long-double, which seems to be caused by a change in gcc 4.2.3-2ubuntu2. See also the similar case with petsc in bug 199256. As debian/rules already had the logic to use dpatch, I made the change to configure using dpatch and added dpatch as build-dependency. The package builds fine in a Hardy pbuilder. By also patching and, the package also builds when autoreconf is used.
** Attachment added: "sqlrelay.debdiff" ** Changed in: sqlrelay (Ubuntu) Assignee: Albert Damen (albrt) => (unassigned) Status: In Progress => Confirmed -- Packages failed archive rebuild test possibly due to python-central transition You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu. -- ubuntu-bugs mailing list