Ok, now I can better confirm what I said yesterday.

Kubuntu Edgy, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic, on an Abit KV7 board (VIA KT600
chipset) with AwardBIOS 6.00PG, and an AMD Sempron 2400+ processor.

Enabling the option "Shutdown When CPU Fan Fail" in the BIOS ("Health"
page) results in the system's boot process failing at early stages with
the "Critical temperature reached, shutting down (121C)" message. The
system then apparently tried to power off, but fails even at that, and
just keeps printing that message (at least if you make usplash go away).

The BIOS CPU temperature settings I wrote about in the previous posting
don't seem to be related; anyway, the CPU temperature that both the BIOS
and lm-sensors report is much lower than the set limits.

As I mentioned in the other posting, the same problem also occurs with
the Kubuntu Dapper Live CD (even though, contrary to my Edgy
installation, the Dapper CD does succeed in powering off the machine,
after the boot process is interrupted).

"critical temperature reached" with kernel 2.6.15-22-386

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