Ok friends, now, i have solved the problem! But in quite OTHER way! Here
it is:

1) to make the bootscreen and unboot screen in normal resolution, u
should have to edit /etc/usplash.conf file. For complete new users in
Linux (who managed to get to the point of editing files - enter "cd
/etc/" and then use command "sudo chmod a+rw usplash.conf" this will
make the file writable to you. Next step is to edit it (preferably with
vi) - use command "vi usplash.conf". What u have to do - is to replace
640 and 480 by the numbers 1024 and 768 (width and height). This is the
most common resolution. Or some other numbers (not tested).

2) Run command "sudo update-initramfs -u". Wait! Before it will be
finished, cause on the slow proc it can take a few minutes to go (may be
even more). So when the console back again, type "sudo reboot".

3) Now u will have to immediately see unboot screen, and after reboot -
nice grafical screen from the start. IF U STILL CANNOT RUN STARTX (this
problem is common with the usplash bug) - proceed to this operations (u
will probably see, that the server is just not installed, neither is

4) run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg" - it will install the
X-server. Then use "sudo aptitude" and enter "not installed files /
Gnome files" - install almost ALL of them (use "+" and "g" - buttons).
Be sure u have it all.

5) run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" - follow the instructions of
the package. Advice - try to use 16 bit screen to improve the

6) reboot, and see the nice gnome Ubuntu.

Hope - this will help others.

PS. Keep the Alternate-CD 6.10 Beta in your CD-ROM - u will need it to
update packages.

PPS. Before i came to this solution, i spent more than five hours of my
sleeping :( Don't make my mistakes - use the right way. And please -
report the result here!

(To the developers - why alternate simple instal  doesn't copy xserver
and gnome???)

usplash resolution error in boot and halt

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