Perfect, I'm writing 10 minutes later without acpi=off in the grub.

But I have the steps:
* change to edgy repositories
   * sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
   * change dapper to edgy in the file
* sudo apt-get update
Ok, is the same.

use Synaptic to upgrade or install the next:
linux-386  (is version 2.6.17-9)
linux-image-2.6.17-10-386 (yes, is -10 and for 386, my synaptic say that the 
686 is obsolete and only upgrade no install)
linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-386, this install too the

I install all, and now edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst:
sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst
and view that the kernel 2.6.17 have NOT the acpi=off option, and the kernel 
old YES have acpi=off (you can run the old kernel if all fail)

Now reboot and:
* Change sources.list back to Dapper
* sudo apt-get update

Perfect, I have installed GkrellM and I view the battery state perfectly 
(before without acpi was impossible detect the battery level, in a laptop that 
is very important)

Thanks you.

ACPI-0517: ****Error Method parse/execudion failed

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