Where mentioning "open source" it would be nice to say "free and open
source" but other than that, you say:

  wrong: Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings!

Ubuntu is a Linux based OS for "Human Beings".  This is correct, of
course, it also may be written as GNU/Linux to be more precise, but it
is not wrong simply because it omits that information.

  wrong: distribution based on Linux
  wrong: Ubuntu operating system built around the Linux kernel

It clearly is a distro based on the Linux kernel, that is not wrong.  It
is also based on a myriad of other utilities.  You simply cannot credit
everyone in the name, I've never seen a requirement in a license
requiring name-based attribution.

  wrong: Ubuntu is an entirely open source operating system...

That possibly is wrong, or at least very least misleading.  It would be
nice to include "free" software in that attribution since it is at least
possible/practical to credit the movement.

Ubuntu GNU/Linux, drafts for correct formulations

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