** Summary changed:

- [SRU] Update to vala 0.48.14 in focal
+ [SRU] Update to vala 0.48.16 in focal

** Description changed:

  The 0.48.x series is maintained as LTS release and will receive further
  bug fix releases in the future. See https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala
  Upstream changes since 0.48.6:
- Vala 0.48.14
- ============
-  * Highlights:
-   - Add further support for params arrays in constructors [#128]
+ Vala 0.48.16
+ ============
   * Various improvements and bug fixes:
    - codegen:
-     + Improve support of SimpleType struct constructors
-     + Improve handling of "NoWrapper" attribute
-     + Allow CCode.type_cname for classes and use get_ccode_type_name()
-     + Always use G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS/INTERFACE for external symbols
-     + Also check array type of variable argument for ref parameters
-     + Don't leak array memory after it was implicitly copied
-     + Use g_boxed_free in free-wrapper for heap-allocated GLib.Value
-     + Don't leak GLib.Value when implicitly unboxing it
-     + Don't leak memory moving heap-allocated struct to stack
-     + Chain up to base struct destroy function
-     + Correctly retrieve symbol_reference of nested cast expressions [#1134]
-     + Strip all nested occurances of CCodeCastExpression [#1134]
-     + Don't wrongly emit declaration for default-handler of signals
-     + Include "string.h" for strcmp() (POSIX)
+     + Improve handling of ellipsis parameter in get_ccode_name()
+     + Fix default value of get_ccode_destroy_notify_pos()
+     + Don't override valid target/destroy of previous lambda argument [#59]
+     + Don't call *_instance_init() in compact class chainup
+   - vala: Mark tranformed static member-access as qualified [#270]
+   - girwriter: namespace expects "c:symbol-prefixes" attribute [#1038]
+   - girwriter: Don't use instance-parameter inside callback [#1167]
+   - girparser,libvaladoc/girimporter: Don't guess length of xml header, 
+     forward to <repository>
+   - libvaladoc/girimporter: parse_constant() use "c:identifier" attribute 
+  * Bindings:
+   - rest-0.7: Fix OAuthProxyAuthCallback binding
+   - gtk+-3.0: Fix ModuleInitFunc binding
+   - gio-2.0: Fix TlsPassword.get_value() binding
+   - Fix several bindings which lead to invalid code by using them in:
+     javascriptcoregtk-4.0, libusb, libusb-1.0, pixman-1,
+     webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0, x11, zlib,
+ Vala 0.48.15
+ ============
+  * Various improvements and bug fixes:
+   - codegen:
+     + More use of get_ccode_type_name()
+     + "_first_array" parameter for params-array is variadic too
+     + Inherit GType from base struct of SimpleType structs
+     + Error for missing type-arguments of HashTable (de)serialization [#1147]
+     + Free intermediate temp-variables of postcondition expression [#80]
+     + Use the one available source_reference for internal error [#436]
+     + Fix access to captured generics in async method of interfaces [#537]
+     + Don't ever create null-aware free macro for GenericType
+     + Don't add generics arguments/parameters to async finish method
+     + Drop inner casts before converting between generics and integers
+     + Include "glib.h" for deprecated symbols (GOBJECT) [#1155]
    - vala:
-     + Improve detection of duplicate package source files
-     + Apply stricter condition for lambda to delegate assignment
-     + Don't allow disposable SimpleType structs
-     + GLib.Value unboxing returns unowned value
-     + Don't allow GLib.Value casting to nullable struct/simple types
-     + Check type-arguments in base-types/prerequisites of class/interface 
-     + Capturing va_list parameters/variables is not allowed [#1136]
-     + Generics value holding struct pointer requires casting on access [#347]
-     + Infer needle type for "in" expression on enum [#1138]
-     + Improve context check whether property is writeable on assignments
-     + Include "stdlib.h" for Enum.to_string() (POSIX) [#1143]
-     + Set proper source_reference for implicit "this" and "result" variables
-     + Report error for invalid inner operand of unary expressions
-   - codewriter: Don't write trailing ";" after body of WithStatement
+     + Report warning if --target-glib=auto was not evaluated successfully
+     + Fix ownership inheritance of "unowned var" in foreach statement
+     + Add missing null-check in DataType.get_type_signature()
+     + Check array type of declarations for errornous type-arguments
+     + Check (optional) type-arguments of array creation expression
+     + Replace all type parameter occurances in parameters for signal delegate
+     + Improve error for incompatible expressions in conditional expression
+   - gdbus: Don't leak memory of deserialized arguments on error in wrapper 
    - girparser:
-     + Apply "delegate_target" metadata for methods and parameters
-     + Apply "destroy_notify_cname" metadata for fields
-     + Apply "type_get_function" metadata for classes and inferfaces
-     + Set CCode.type_cname for classes if it doesn't match our default
-   - girwriter: Write instance-parameter elements [#1128]
-   - girwriter: Output default handler of signals
-   - libvaladoc/html: Don't sort struct fields to keep their original order
-   - libvaladoc: Correctly retrieve value for Api.Class.is_compact
-   - libvaladoc: Add wrapper for "agedge" of graphviz
+     + Reuse populated Node.gtype_struct_for instead of resolving again
+     + Evaluate "glib:type-struct" twice to pick up reparented structs
+     + Allow overriding of "Compact" attribute for classes
+     + Handle empty "<type/>" element and report an error
+     + Add support for NoWrapper metadata for methods
+   - testrunner: Include Gio-2.0/gio-2.0 for GIR tests too
   * Bindings:
-   - Fix several bindings which lead to invalid code by using them in:
-     cairo, gobject-2.0, pango, goocanvas-2.0, curses, alsa, bzlib, sqlite3,
-     libgvc, posix, gstreamer-1.0, gdk-3.0, gdk-x11-3.0, gtk+-3.0, gtk4,
-     fuse, libxml-2.0
-   - gdk-pixbuf-2.0: Fix Pixbuf.save_to_streamv_async()
-   - gio-2.0: Fix binding of PollableOutputStream.write*_nonblocking()
-   - gio-2.0,gtk+-3.0,gtk4: Drop explicit c-type attributes of va_list 
-   - gio-2.0: Pick up missing invoker for some AppInfo/File.*() methods
-   - gstreamer-1.0: Set CCode.type_id of MiniObject to G_TYPE_BOXED [#1133]
-   - gtk+-2.0,javascriptcoregtk-4.0: Wrong usage of CCode.type_cname attribute
-   - gtk+-3.0,gtk4: Fix some delegate return values and parameters
-   - gtk4: Update to 4.0.2
+   - glib-2.0,gio-2.0: Add some missing type-arguments
+   - gio-2.0: Add some missing NoWrapper and CCode.has_typedef attributes
+   - gnutls: Fix some binding errors
+   - gsl: Fix some binding errors
+   - gtk4: Add Gtk.INVALID_LIST_POSITION [#1151]
+   - gtk4-unix-print: Switch to gir
+   - gtk4: Update to 4.1.2
+   - libwnck-3.0: Update to 3.36.0
+   - linux: Provide Input.Event.input_event_sec/input_event_usec fields [#1152]
+   - vapi: Fix a couple of attribute typos
+   - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.31.91
+ Vala 0.48.14
+ ============
+  * Highlights:
+   - Add further support for params arrays in constructors [#128]
+  * Various improvements and bug fixes:
+   - codegen:
+     + Improve support of SimpleType struct constructors
+     + Improve handling of "NoWrapper" attribute
+     + Allow CCode.type_cname for classes and use get_ccode_type_name()
+     + Always use G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS/INTERFACE for external symbols
+     + Also check array type of variable argument for ref parameters
+     + Don't leak array memory after it was implicitly copied
+     + Use g_boxed_free in free-wrapper for heap-allocated GLib.Value
+     + Don't leak GLib.Value when implicitly unboxing it
+     + Don't leak memory moving heap-allocated struct to stack
+     + Chain up to base struct destroy function
+     + Correctly retrieve symbol_reference of nested cast expressions [#1134]
+     + Strip all nested occurances of CCodeCastExpression [#1134]
+     + Don't wrongly emit declaration for default-handler of signals
+     + Include "string.h" for strcmp() (POSIX)
+   - vala:
+     + Improve detection of duplicate package source files
+     + Apply stricter condition for lambda to delegate assignment
+     + Don't allow disposable SimpleType structs
+     + GLib.Value unboxing returns unowned value
+     + Don't allow GLib.Value casting to nullable struct/simple types
+     + Check type-arguments in base-types/prerequisites of class/interface 
+     + Capturing va_list parameters/variables is not allowed [#1136]
+     + Generics value holding struct pointer requires casting on access [#347]
+     + Infer needle type for "in" expression on enum [#1138]
+     + Improve context check whether property is writeable on assignments
+     + Include "stdlib.h" for Enum.to_string() (POSIX) [#1143]
+     + Set proper source_reference for implicit "this" and "result" variables
+     + Report error for invalid inner operand of unary expressions
+   - codewriter: Don't write trailing ";" after body of WithStatement
+   - girparser:
+     + Apply "delegate_target" metadata for methods and parameters
+     + Apply "destroy_notify_cname" metadata for fields
+     + Apply "type_get_function" metadata for classes and inferfaces
+     + Set CCode.type_cname for classes if it doesn't match our default
+   - girwriter: Write instance-parameter elements [#1128]
+   - girwriter: Output default handler of signals
+   - libvaladoc/html: Don't sort struct fields to keep their original order
+   - libvaladoc: Correctly retrieve value for Api.Class.is_compact
+   - libvaladoc: Add wrapper for "agedge" of graphviz
+  * Bindings:
+   - Fix several bindings which lead to invalid code by using them in:
+     cairo, gobject-2.0, pango, goocanvas-2.0, curses, alsa, bzlib, sqlite3,
+     libgvc, posix, gstreamer-1.0, gdk-3.0, gdk-x11-3.0, gtk+-3.0, gtk4,
+     fuse, libxml-2.0
+   - gdk-pixbuf-2.0: Fix Pixbuf.save_to_streamv_async()
+   - gio-2.0: Fix binding of PollableOutputStream.write*_nonblocking()
+   - gio-2.0,gtk+-3.0,gtk4: Drop explicit c-type attributes of va_list 
+   - gio-2.0: Pick up missing invoker for some AppInfo/File.*() methods
+   - gstreamer-1.0: Set CCode.type_id of MiniObject to G_TYPE_BOXED [#1133]
+   - gtk+-2.0,javascriptcoregtk-4.0: Wrong usage of CCode.type_cname attribute
+   - gtk+-3.0,gtk4: Fix some delegate return values and parameters
+   - gtk4: Update to 4.0.2
  Vala 0.48.13
   * Various improvements and bug fixes:
    - codegen:
      + Use CCodeInvalidExpression instead of place holders
      + Don't leak memory of already assigned out-parameter on error [#1123]
      + Don't leak memory on internal value comparison of property setter
      + Fix assignment of casted struct value to property [#1126]
    - vala:
      + Report an error if gio-2.0 is missing for DBus support
      + Add missing TraverseVisitor.visit_addressof_expression()
      + value_type of PointerIndirection expressions must not be owned [#1118]
      + SliceExpression need to return heap-allocated or unowned references 
      + Accept "unowned var" as type for foreach variable declaration [#152]
      + Ownership transfer of inline-allocated array is not allowed [#931]
    - tests: Use Automake’s parallel test driver to speed up running tests 
    - testrunner: A lot of simplifications
   * Bindings:
    - gio-2.0: Fix DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc binding
    - gstreamer-1.0: Fix direction of GLib.Value typed parameters [#1014]
    - gtk4: Use correct cheader_include for wayland/x11 gdk backend [#1112]
    - gtk4: Don't rename binding for gtk_css_provider_load_from_data [#1117]
    - gtk4: Update to 4.0.1
    - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.30.3
  Vala 0.48.12
   * Various improvements and bug fixes:
    - codegen:
      + More use of delegate_target_type and delegate_target_destroy_type
      + Reduce get_delegate_target/get_delegate_target_destroy_notify calls
      + Don't use inferred type for temp-value to access generic property 
      + Update outdated array _size_ variable of captured local-variable [#1090]
      + Report internal error for unsupported collection type in foreach
    - vala:
      + Issue an error on void initializer for local-variable
      + Allow markup-reader to accept spaces around '=' of attribute assignment
      + CodeNode.source_reference is optional, so let the API respect that
      + Use DataType.compatible() to check for string concatenation [#1100]
    - valadoc: Don't call CodeContext.pop() on empty stack [#1064]
    - libvaladoc: Don't filter-out generic type-parameters of delegates
    - libvaladoc/girimporter: Skip "docsection" elements in <namespace>
    - testrunner: Add "-Werror=return-local-addr" flag
    - manual: Update from wiki.gnome.org
   * Bindings:
    - alsa: Fix PcmDevice.set_poll_descriptors_revents() binding [#1092]
    - curses: Add Terminfo API set, function keycodes F(n) and minor changes
    - curses: Correctly use [PrintfFormat] attribute
    - glib-2.0: Add return codes to FileStream.putc/puts(), like posix
    - glib-2.0: Add GenericArray.find_custom(), variant of 
    - glib-2.0: Improve GenericArray.length property
    - gio-2.0: Fix binding of Resolver.lookup_service*()
    - gtk4: Attribute Gsk.ShaderArgsBuilder.free_to_args with DestroysInstance
    - gtk4: Update to 3.99.4+7551f85d [#1089]
    - linux: Add missing struct in cname for Spi.IocTransfer
    - posix: Declare fstat, stat, lstat and fstatat as public [#1086]
    - posix: Add freopen binding, as FILE.reopen()
    - rest-0.7: Fix ParamsIter.next() binding
    - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
  Vala 0.48.11
   * Various improvements and bug fixes:
    - codegen:
      + The actual struct size is required for calloc (POSIX) [#1068]
      + Don't pass CCodeFunctionCall to NULL-aware free macro
    - g-i: Fix a couple of C compiler warnings
    - libvaladoc: Fix a couple of C compiler warnings
    - testrunner: Pass --enable-checking to increase coverage, Filter external
      -0X flags to preserve current default -O0
   * Bindings:
    - gstreamer: Update from 1.18.0+ git master
    - gtk4: Don't skip LayoutManager.create_layout_child() [#1071]
    - gtk4: Update to 3.99.1+15b635d7
    - poppler-glib: Update to 20.09.0
    - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
    - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.30.1
  Vala 0.48.10
   * Various improvements and bug fixes:
    - tests: Don't rely on undefined use-after-free behaviour of glibc
    - Add TraverseVisitor for traversing the tree with a callback
    - Force usage of temporary variables for "tainted" member accesses [#1061]
    - vala: Move transformation of unary increment/decrement to codegen
    - vala: Set parent_node for child nodes of lambda-expression [#1062]
    - codegen: Don't append unreachable clean-up section of Block [#169] [#838]
    - codegen: Always include base_struct declaration if available [#464]
    - vala: Additionally break on ObjectCreationExpression in "tainted" check
    - vala: Add ObjectCreationExpression.to_string()
    - manual: Update from wiki.gnome.org
    - Don't use locale dependent string functions on syntax strings [#1067]
    - girparser: Additionally fallback to "glib:type-name" to retrieve the cname
    - libvaladoc/girimporter:
      + Fallback to "name" for callback
      + Fallback to "glib:type-name" for class, interface and record
      + Improve parse_symbol_doc() and don't use parse_doc()
      + Skip "attribute" elements
    - libvaladoc/gtkdoc-importer:
      + Correctly retrieve "url" from "ulink" elements
      + Don't let parse_block_taglet() return null
   * Bindings:
    - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.2+ git master
    - gtk4: Update to 3.99.1
    - gtk4: Resolve a few conflicts of methods with virtual-methods
    - pango: Update from 1.46.0
    - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.29.91
  Vala 0.48.9
   * Regression and bug fixes:
    - codegen: Include header for base-symbols when connecting vfuncs
    - vala:
      + Inherit CCode.returns_floating_reference attribute from base [#1053]
      + Mark tranformed member-access as qualified [#57]
    - girparser: Add support for string "feature_test_macro" metadata
    - Revert "girwriter: Use appropriate get_ccode_* functions" [#1059]
   * Bindings:
    - gio-unix-2.0: Fix "g_unix_mount_for" binding [#1052]
    - gio-2.0: Include "gio/gsettingsbackend.h" for GLib.SettingsBackend
      members [#1054]
    - goocanvas-2.0: Fix some field ownerships and types [#1057]
    - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.2+ git master
    - gtk4: Update to 3.99.0+358b698e
    - pango: Update from 1.45.4+
    - posix: Add missing "has_typedef" attribute for some delegates
    - posix: Declare WRDE_APPEND constant as public
  Vala 0.48.8
   * Various improvements and bug fixes:
    - codegen:
      + Handle "gtk_param_spec_expression" in get_param_spec()
      + Properly compare string if binary-expression contains string-literal
      + Inline allocated and constant arrays are never NULL
      + Check param for null before using it
      + Properly destroy elements of an inline struct array [#365]
    - vala:
      + Avoid subsequent critical caused by invalid array type for constant
      + Improve error handling of nested initializer lists
      + Don't allow "resize" invocation on variable with unowned array type 
      + Property must be writable when invoking ReturnsModifiedPointer method 
      + Recursive check of assignment target to recognize constants [#944]
      + Return copy of constant type in get_value_type_for_symbol()
      + Handle parameter initializer without value-type
      + Fully qualify member-access when using-directive was used to resolve 
      + Tranform instance member-access to a static one if possible [#270]
      + Improve check of expression passed to yield
      + Allow prototype access to signal with emitter
      + Check error-type accessibility of creation methods and delegates
    - girparser: Warn about conflicting signals and properties
    - girparser: Skip 'docsection' elements in <namespace>
    - girwriter:
      + Add c:identifier-prefixes to <namespace>
      + Write c:type="void" when name="none"
      + Write c:symbol-prefix on supported elements
      + Don't include symbols outside of a namespace [#241]
      + Use appropriate get_ccode_* functions
    - libvaladoc: Support exporting the `class` modifier on methods and fields
    - Disable deprecation warnings when checking bindings
    - tests: Fix "methods/extern" test with -Werror=address and gcc 5.4.0
   * Bindings:
     - glib-2.0: Add AtomicUint, an alternation of AtomicInt for uint [#915]
     - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.2+ git master
     - gtk+-3.0: Update to 3.24.21+ffe2df7b
     - gtk+-3.0: Resolve conflicts of signals with properties
     - gtk4: Resolve conflict of DropTarget.drop signal with property [#1033]
     - gtk4: Improve Gtk.ParamSpecExpression binding
     - gtk4: Fix binding of CClosureExpression ctor [#1024]
     - gtk4,gtk4-unix-print: Update to 3.98.5+23dcf36e
     - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.29.4
  Vala 0.48.7
   * Various improvements and bug fixes:
    - codegen:
      + Improve array-dup-wrapper for empty arrays [#999]
      + Don't call get_ccode_finish_instance() with non-async methods
      + Cast initializer-list to struct for non-constant/-array assignment 
      + Consistently use get_ccode_lower_case_prefix() for function names 
    - vala:
      + Correctly handle qualified struct type in initializer list [#1004]
      + Reduce calls of CodeContext.get()
      + Fix value-type for ArrayCreationExpression used as argument [#1009]
      + Improve parameter check of "get" method used for foreach [#1017]
      + Don't carry floating reference into unknown target type expression 
    - girparser: Actually respect given cprefix metadata for enumerations
    - girwriter: Append symbol-attributes to callback field [#1006]
    - parser: Avoid mitigation for missing token if it follows DOT or
      DOUBLE_COLON [#987]
    - libvaladoc/girimporter: Skip "function-macro" elements
    - build: Update git-version-gen to latest upstream
    - tests: Build typelib if g-ir-compiler is available
   * Bindings:
    - gstreamer-audio-1.0: Adjustments for Gst.Audio.Sink class extension
    - gstreamer: Update from 1.17.1+ git master
    - gtk+-3.0: Deprecated abstract methods are not required to be implemented
    - gtk4: Prefix value names of PaintableFlags with "STATIC_" [#1011]
    - gtk4: Mark optional methods of Gdk.Paintable interface as virtual [#1021]
    - gtk4: Update to 3.98.5+fca2ba96
    - harfbuzz-gobject: Update to 2.6.8
    - pango: Update from 1.45.2
    - webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.29.2
    - vapi: Update GIR-based bindings

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  [SRU] Update to vala 0.48.16 in focal

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