I have just booted to Edgy running 2.6.17-10-sparc64-smp
and I do not have this problem.  The system boots (and reboots)
without hanging or powering off.

It is quite likely due to down-rev'd firmware.
Please note the large number of HV related fixes
in the latest version, which can be found here:

After installing the new firmware, the versions are as follows:
sc> showhost
System Firmware 6.2.4 Sun Fire[TM] T2000 2006/08/18 12:35

Host flash versions:
   Hypervisor 1.2.3 2006/08/18 12:25
   OBP 4.23.4 2006/08/04 20:46
   Sun Fire[TM] T2000 POST 4.23.4 2006/08/04 21:15
sc> showsc version -v
Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.2.4
SC Firmware version: CMT 1.2.4
SC Bootmon version: CMT 1.2.4

VBSC 1.2.4
VBSC firmware built Aug 18 2006, 12:27:38

SC Bootmon Build Release: 00
SC bootmon checksum: EF3B7ADD
SC Bootmon built Aug 18 2006, 12:34:48

SC Build Release: 00
SC firmware checksum: 2B377B21

SC firmware built Aug 18 2006, 12:35:01
SC firmware flashupdate THU SEP 21 15:19:26 2006

SC System Memory Size: 32 MB
SC NVRAM Version = 10
SC hardware type: 4

FPGA Version:



[SPARC] - Regression - Niagara does not reboot properly

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